Pie Drive Tips
1. Delivery Times
Once your Pie drive orders are all in we will contact you and organise a delivery time to suit you. Keep in mind the time that the pies will be going home. If you get them too early you will need to consider where they will be kept until they are taken home.
2. Packing / Sorting
Experience tells us that this is one job where too many helpers does not necessarily make things easier. Our driver will bring the Pies in for you and lay them out in the same order that they appear on the order form. He will have a packing slip for each individual order. We provide you with recyclable plastic singlet bags to pack the Pies in. You then just walk down the line and pick the Pies you need for each order then staple the order form to the bag. The key to doing this job quickly and accurately is to have one person doing a final check on each order .
The more room you give yourself the easier it will be. Trestle tables are ideal.
3. Late orders
There is a cut off time displayed as a count down clock on the website page where orders are placed. Once that ime is reached , which is generally midnight 2 days before delivery, no further orders can be placed.
4. Promoting the Pie Drive
We have spoken to the organisers of a few of the larger Pie Drives to get a few tips on how they go about running their Drive. They all say the most important thing to do is constantly remind everyone that the Drive is on. If your School or Kinder has a newsletter, promote the drive in each edition. If possible include an order form in the newsletter. Try and run the drive on a regular basis. Promote the fact that just one meal for each family would be all that is needed to make the drive a success. If the Pie Drive is being held close to the school holidays promote the pies as easy holiday meals.
Running a second Drive each year gives you the chance to capitalize on the success of the first Drive. Almost all of the organizers we have spoken to say that once people have tried the Pies they are willing to increase their order next time around. The people who buy Pies in the first Drive also become your best form of advertising for the second Drive.